
Hot galvanizing

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Anshan yongfeng hot galvanizing co. LTD

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Hot-dip galvanized fasteners have six characteristics

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Hot-dip galvanized fasteners have six characteristics

Date of release:2018-08-27 Author: Click:

Hot galvanizing is a kind of surface treatment technology in the production of fasteners commodity. There are four kinds of hot galvanizing fasteners: electric galvanizing, powder galvanizing, mechanical galvanizing and hot galvanizing. At ordinary times, the first priority is to provide different hot-dip galvanization treatment to fasteners according to different requests from customers.

The primary features of hot-dip galvanized fasteners are:

1. Good reliability: the galvanized layer and steel are combined with metallurgy to form part of the steel surface, so the durability of the coating is relatively firm;

2. Total maintenance: each part of the plating can be plated with zinc, and all parts can be maintained even in pits, sharp corners and hidden places;

乐发lv3. Low treatment cost: the cost of hot dip galvanizing and antirust is lower than that of other paint coating;

4. Time saving and effort saving: the galvanizing process is more convenient than other coating construction methods, and it can prevent the time required for coating on the site after the device;

5. Durability: in the suburban environment, the standard thickness of hot-dip galvanizing and rust prevention can be maintained for more than 50 years without repair; In urban areas or offshore areas, standard hot-dip galvanization and rust protection can be maintained for 20 years without repair;

6. High resistance of coating: the galvanized coating constitutes a special metallurgical structure, which is acceptable for mechanical damage during transportation and use.

Hot galvanizing which is good

The address of this article:http://fgjcw.com/en/news/413.html

Key word:Hotdipgalvanized,Hot-dipgalvanizingprocessingprice,Hotgalvanizingwhichisgood

The last one:Principle of hot galvanizing process
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