
Hot galvanizing

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Anshan yongfeng hot galvanizing co. LTD

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Hot galvanizing cold galvanizing difference

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Hot galvanizing cold galvanizing difference

Date of release:2017-12-14 Author: Click:

According to galvanization method different, divide into hot galvanization tube and cold galvanization tube

乐发lvHot galvanizing is the process of pickling the steel tube first, in order to remove the iron oxide on the outside of the steel tube, after pickling, it is cleaned through ammonium chloride or zinc chloride aqueous solution or mixed water solution of ammonium chloride and zinc chloride, and then sent to the hot dip bath. Hot galvanizing has many advantages such as uniform coating, strong adhesion and long service life. Usually used for the transport of low-pressure fluids (water, liquid gas).

乐发lvCold galvanizing is electric galvanizing, galvanizing quantity is very few, want only 10-50g/m2, its itself is different than hot galvanizing tube. Cold galvanizing is usually used in electrical grooves. Normal galvanization tube manufacturer, to assure quality, do not choose galvanization of electricity most (cold plating). As long as small, well-designed, well-equipped businesses choose electroplating, their prices are relatively cheap. The ministry of construction has formally below, screening technology backward cold galvanized pipe, do not use cold galvanized pipe for water, gas pipe.

乐发lvAccording to wall thickness is divided into general galvanized steel pipe and thickened galvanized steel pipe.

According to the pipe end is divided into galvanized steel pipe without thread and galvanized steel pipe with thread.

Hot dip galvanized

The address of this article:http://fgjcw.com/en/news/353.html

Key word:Hotdipgalvanized,Hotgalvanizing,Hot-dipgalvanizer

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